Soul Guidance to Transform Your Life


Who are you, really?

You’re so much more than you think you are.

You’re meant to live a magical and meaningful life. Happiness is your birthright!

Your very own unique magic is contained in your Sacred Cosmic Code.

I’m here to help you guide you and unlock the magic within you.

Let's uncover the messages of what your Soul yearns for you in this lifetime.

Together we’ll discover your Sacred Cosmic Code.

You’ll be on your way to living your best life—the life your Soul intended.

Do you know your natural talents, gifts and strengths?

How about your most fortunate energy?

Do you know your destiny for this life?

Or what your galactic origins are?

Do you know what blocks you need to overcome?

What about your karma—do you know what it is?

If any of these questions intrigue you, you’ve come to the right place.

My passion and expertise lies in helping others align with the intentions of their Soul.

When you’re aligned with your Soul’s intentions, your life unfolds in beautiful and magical ways.

There’s a profound focus and inner knowing—it’s like a light switch being turned on—you just know and feel what’s right for you.

That’s what happened to me. One by one, I followed the breadcrumbs and uncovered many golden nuggets along the path of self-discovery and self-awareness. I found my Soul’s purpose by incorporating many exceptional tools, a number of which I use to help others: the divination arts of astrology, numerology and galactic astrology.

A world of infinite possibilities and cosmic wonders awaits you.

Book a session with me today. I’d be honored to assist you on your journey.

Yoga Nidra

What is Yoga Nidra?

  • Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation typically done while lying down.

  • Yoga Nidra is designed to relax the body, calm the mind, and promote holistic healing.

  • Best of all, anyone can do it!

How does it work?

  • Yoga Nidra activates delta brainwaves, allowing the body and mind to fully rest even while awake.

What are just a few of the benefits?

  • Profound relaxation and healing.

  • Alleviation of stress, anxiety and depression.

  • Enhanced quality of sleep.

  • Deep rest and relaxation.

Wendy’s Services

  • Life Path & Karmic Destiny Session

    Discover your true gifts and talents and move toward the life you’re meant to live—in alignment with your true soul’s intention.

    This powerful and potent session provides a comprehensive analysis of YOUR UNIQUE BIRTH CODE specific to your life path, personal year, and destiny.

  • Astrology

    In this 60-minute recorded phone session you’ll gain deeper self-knowledge and step more fully into your power as you discover who you truly are and why you are here.

    During the session we’ll review your numerology and your astrological natal chart, both of which will unlock secrets and provide great details to move you forward on your life’s path.

  • Galactic Astrology

    During this session we’ll reveal and discuss your galactic heritage/soul’s journey and discuss:

    · Your Most Prominent Galactic Alignments

    · Your Aura and Soul Colors

    · Your Key Themes, Gifts and Challenges

Client Love

I’m here to help you uncover your natural talents and gifts, what you are truly meant to do in this life.

Wendy Jo Cornelius,
Soothing Soul Guide
